Adirondack Rustic Furniture for your Camp or Lodge
Welcome to Owls Head Mountain Rustic Furniture and Adirondack Quilts & Gifts

We Design and Build Authentic Adirondack Rustic Furniture.

We'd like to welcome you to this visual tour of our website showcasing the many camp and lodge furnishings that we have to offer. For many years now, our New York State artisans have been working year round crafting our original designs. We specialize in early Adirondack Great Camp designs using seasoned hickory, cedar, antique barn wood, yellow birch, maple, willow, twigs and birch bark, most of which is harvested here in upstate New York. Many of the handmade antique-style natural log tables, corner hutches, chairs, dressers, beds, antler chandeliers, mirrors, and framed artworks are one-of-a-kind. We have over 6,000 square feet of showrooms to display our original work that would make your Adirondack cabin or Great Camp warm and inviting. We take pride in designing and building beautiful, authentic, Adirondack rustic furniture without the sticker shock and look forward to making the perfect custom piece you have been looking for.

Adirondack Quilts & Gifts shop is a blend of local crafts and textiles that are reflective of the High Peaks. We specialize in handmade quilts, bedding from Wooded River and Denali, along with luxurious bed sheets and bath towels embroidered with bear, moose and pinecones. Local candles and soaps, jams and jellies, maple syrup and honey, rag rug baskets for your favorite recipe or birch bark baskets filled with mountain wildflowers will make a nice keepsake. A baby gift area with handmade crib quilts, soft toys in nursery rhymes and whimsical stuffed bears are sure to please. Quilted purses in beautiful patterns along with fine leather purses are a favorite in our shop. Nature greeting cards for all occasions along with free gift bags will make your gift giving perfect.
Our furniture gallery and gift shops are located on Route 73, two miles west of the village of Keene at the base of Owls Head Mountain. We have three acres of parking with easy entrances so there are never any parking worries. You can also click on our website directions and use google maps to find us.
Open Year Round
9 to 5 Daily
518-576-9588 |